- 17 -
Remarks: 017 is for alarm when tracker moves out the preset scope; 117 is for alarm when tracker moves in.
When the tracker moves in or out, it will send an SMS alarm to the authorized phone number for SOS.
X is the coordinates which include:
Lower-left X,Lower-left Y,Upper-right X,Upper-right Y
For example, 11404.0000,E,2232.0010,N,11505.1234,E,2333.5678,N
Lower-left X should be less than Upper-right X;
All longitudes and latitudes should be in ASCII format as follows:-
Longitude: DDDMM.MMMM,E/W. 4 places of decimal. ‘0’ is needed to be stuffed if no value available.
Latitude: DDMM.MMMM,N/S. 4 places of decimal. ‘0’ is needed to be stuffed if no value available;
Only one alarm can be set in either Movement Alarm or Geo-fence Alarm;
Send W******,006,00 to turn off Geo-fence function.
Extended Functions
A=0, turn off the function of sending SMS location report after a phone call is made to the tracker.
A=1, turn on the function of sending SMS location report after a phone call is made to the tracker.
B=0, location data of NMEA 0183 GPRMC will be interpreted into normal text for easy reading.
For example, Longitude = 114 degree - 04 minute -57.74 second, Latitude = 22 degree -32 minute -40.05 second
B=1, location data complies with NMEA 0183 GPRMC protocol.
For example, $GPRMC,161509.000,A,2232.5485,N,11404.6887,E,0.3,153.7,290709,,*03
C=0, turn off the function to automatically hang up an incoming call.
C=1, turn on the function to automatically hang up an incoming call after 4 - 5 rings.
D=0, turn off the function of sending an SMS when the tracker is turned on.
D=1, turn on the function of sending an SMS to the authorized phone number for SOS when the tracker is turned on.
E, defaulted as 1 (the tracker shuts down automatically when the power voltage is lower than 3V).
F=0, turn off the SMS alarm when the tracker enters GPS blind area.
F=1, turn on the SMS alarm when the tracker enters GPS blind area. SMS is to be sent to the authorized phone number for
G=0, all LEDs work normally.
G=1, all LEDs stop flashing when the tracker is working.
H, reserved and defaulted as ‘0’
I=0, turn off the function of sending SMS alarm when the extra power of the tracker is cut.
I=1, turn on the function of sending an SMS alarm to the authorized phone number for SOS when the extra power of the
tracker is cut.
J, reserved and defaulted as ‘1’
### is the ending character
(ABCDEFGHIJ defaulted as 1000100001)
Presetting by SMS for GPRS tracking (Ensure that your SIM card supports GPRS connection prior to setting)
Set Tracker’s GPRS ID
Remarks: to set a digital GPRS ID for the tracker.