- 7 -
4.4.3 Find a suitable place inside the car for installing VT300. Wiring connections
must be firm and reliable and the joints should be wrapped with insulating tape
tightly. The unused electrical wire should be properly insulated.
Check if all wirings have been connected correctly and then connect the AVL unit to
the motor power.
Check that the Red LED (Battery) is flashing 1 second on and 2 seconds off.
Make a missed phone call the VT300 using a mobile phone to check if the calling can
go through and the VT300 replies with an SMS indicating longitude, latitude, speed
and date.
5. Change Password
Command: W******,001,######
Description: Change user’s password.
1. ****** is user’s password and the default password is 000000. The tracker will only accept commands
from a user with the correct password. Commands with wrong password will be ignored.
2. ###### is the new password. Password should be 6 digits.
6. Time Zone
Command: W******,032,T
Description: Correct time into your local time
1. Default time of the tracker is GMT
2. This correction is applied to location reports by SMS and SMS alarms.
T=0, to turn off this function.
T=[1, 65535] to set time difference in minute to GMT.
For those ahead of GMT, just input the time difference in minute directly. For example, GMT+8,
‘-‘is required for those behind GMT. For example, W000000,032,-120.