SkyTrax Pilot Guide
2-36 SkyTrax Operations
With very few exceptions, all software inside the SkyTrax is
capable of being updated via the micro-SD slot on the unit.
Avidyne’s position is that any shop that holds a repair station
certificate, an A&P, or an Experimental Aircraft owner with log
book signoff authority can perform the update. The person
performing the update must follow the provided Service Bulletin
explicitly and mail/fax/email back in the completed update sheet
that is part of the Service Bulletin but Avidyne does not restrict
this to just Avidyne Service Centers.
Extensive data logging may be performed on the SkyTrax if an
appropriate micro-SD card is inserted in the slot on the front of
the unit. Data logs are typically only used for system
troubleshooting and should only be done in coordination with
Avidyne dealer or Customer Service support.
Datalogs Usable But Avidyne Property
The contents of the data logs and the storage
devices that record and store data remain the
property of Avidyne. However, you are free to
download and use the data for your own training and
safety improvement purposes.