AXP340 Transponder Installation Manual
10 March 2014
Issue AF
Page 27
Aircraft installations that include a ground/air state input (such as a gear squat switch) will automatically
select GND on landing or while taxiing and will automatically select ALT when airborne. In these
installations, the pilot selectable states are ALT-ON-SBY when in-air and GND-SBY when on-ground.
Press the IDENT button when ATC instructs you to “Ident” or “Squawk Ident”. This activates the SPI
pulse in the transponder replies for 18 seconds. IDENT will appear in the display.
8.7 VFR
Pressing the VFR button sets the transponder to the pre-programmed conspicuity code. Pressing the button
again restores the previous squawk code.
Pressing the VFR button whilst in Flight ID edit changes the Flight ID to the pre-programmed VFR Flight
ID set up during configuration of the transponder.
8.8 FUNC
Pressing the FUNC button provides access to the flight timer, stopwatch, Flight ID editing, ADS-B monitor
(depending on installation), altitude monitor and front panel dimming.
8.9 Selector Knob
The selector knob on the right side of the front panel is used to select data such as characters for Flight ID
or move through the menu options. Pressing the selector knob confirms the selection or selection of the
options presented. A label on the right side of the display describes the action when the selector knob is
8.10 Numeric Buttons
The numeric buttons are used to select a new Squawk code or flight ID numbers. Pressing buttons 0 through
7 will immediately edit the current squawk code if not already in flight ID edit.
8.11 CLR
Press the CLR button to return to original settings or back space through partially complete data entry or
reverse through a menu.
8.12 Squawk code entry
Press any of the numeric buttons (0 through 7) to start modifying the squawk code. A new squawk code is
set when the fourth digit is entered. If the code entry is not completed within 7 seconds, the changes are
ignored and the previous code restored.
Some standard squawk codes are listed below
VFR code in the USA
VFR code commonly used in Europe
Hijack code
Loss of communications
Emergency code