EZ-TOUCH-M Revison 4
Problem: Memory Card
1. Make sure that the Flash Card is in top slot, and the RAM Card is in
the bottom slot.
See "Connections and Wiring," this manual, for more information.
Problem: Display Blank
1. Display indicates "NO POWER UP SCREEN" If this message is
displayed the panel battery needs to be replaced.
2. Display is blank. Push extreme upper left and extreme lower left
touch cells on front of panel (top and bottom of column 1 on panel.)
a. There is no change, display remains blank. Indicates UNIT
FAILURE, return for service.
b. Unit SETUP screen appears, screen is hard to read. Adjust
screen contrast control for 6- or 8-inch units (10-inch and 15-inch
units have no contrast adjustment).
c. Unit SETUP screen appears normal. Unit has no user program
— install user program.
See "Connections and Wiring," this manual, for more information.
Problem: Display hangs when unit is powered up, “Initializ-
ing...” message remains on screen (unit has invalid RAM
1. Remove power. While pressing extreme upper and lower left touch
cells on the panel, reapply power.
2. You will now be in setup mode, press exit to enter run mode. Screen
will be blank.
3. Run EZTouch Programming Software. Select Panel > Clear Memory
from main menu bar, or upload a new user program to the panel.
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