A V G 9 A nti V irus plus Firewall © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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12.2.3. Anti-Rootkit Scan
Anti-Rootkit scan
searches your computer for possible rootkit (
programs and
technologies that can cover malware activity in your computer
). If a rootkit is
detected, this does not necessarily mean your computer is infected. In some cases,
specific drivers or sections of regular applications may be misleadingly detected as
Scan launch
Anti-Rootkit scan
can be launched directly from the
scanning interface
by clicking on
the scan's icon. No further specific settings have to be configured for this type of
scan, the scanning will start immediately within the
Scan is running
). The scanning can be temporarily interrupted (
) or canceled (
if needed.
Scan configuration editing
Anti-Rootkit scan
is always launched in the default settings, and editing of the scan
parameters is only accessible within the
AVG Advanced Settings / Anti-Rootkit
dialog. In the scanning interface, the following configuration is available but only while
the scan is running:
Automatic scan
- you can use the slider to change the scanning process
priority. By default, the priority is set to medium level (
Automatic scan
) that
optimizes the scanning process speed and the use of system resources.
Alternatively, you can run the scanning process slower which means the
system resources load will be minimized (
useful when you need to work on the