A V G 9 A nti V irus plus Firewall © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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computer but you do not care so much how long the scanning takes
), or
faster with increased system resources requirements (
e.g. when the computer
is temporarily unattended
Additional scan settings
- this link opens a new
Additional scan settings
dialog where you can define possible computer shutdown conditions related to
Anti-Rootkit scan
Shutdown computer upon scan completion
Force shutdown if computer is locked
12.3. Scanning in Windows Explorer
Besides the pre-defined scans launched for the entire computer or its selected areas,
AVG 9 Anti Virus plus Firewall
also offers the option of quick scanning of a specific
object directly in the Windows Explorer environment. If you want to open an unknown
file and you cannot be sure of its content, you may want to have it checked on
demand. Follow these steps:
Within Windows Explorer highlight the file (or folder) you want to check
Right-click your mouse over the object to open the context menu
Select the
Scan with AVG
option to have the file scanned with AVG