©2005 FMIC
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Fender® G-DEC™ Preset Editor (PC Version)
System Requirements:
This program should run on any PC running Windows 2000 or later although Fender cannot
guarantee that this software will work with all hardware configurations. In order for the program
to communicate with your G-DEC you will also need a MIDI interface and the drivers for that
device installed prior to running this application For more help on connecting your G-DEC to a
PC via MIDI please read the "Fender G-DEC MIDI Operations guide".
Software Notes:
This application can be used to modify, send, receive, load, and store Sysex files for your G-DEC
on your PC. This application only handles single preset files and does not handle the dumping or
receiving of all presets.
Editing Presets:
Once the application begins you can immediately creating presets or modifying existing presets.
Simply use the pull-down menus and sliders to modify the preset parameters. Clicking on the
AMPS, FX, or DRUMS labels on main application window will cause the window to change and
display the parameters relating to that category.
Receiving Presets:
In order to receive a Sysex preset simply connect your G-DEC to the PC as described as in the
"Fender G-DEC MIDI Operations guide" and initiate a single preset send from the utility menu on
your G-DEC.