4.4 Before calling the service
5. Warranty conditions
1) Avers control system warranty period is 24 months from the date of purchase confirmed with the original purchase
3) Surety commits to fix free of charge any failures (component or production defects) of the product which appear during
warranty period.
4) Warranty exclusions:
a) The failures caused by the usage of the control system against the rules described in operation manual,
b) The failures caused by improper storage or transportation,
c) Mechanical defects of the control system other than mentioned at point 3),
d) Damages caused with overvoltage at power network,
e) De-installation and reinstallation of the screen.
5) Avers Screens Service department will remove all defects within 21 days after receiving the damaged product.
6) Warranty claims should be passed to the screen supplier (dealer).
No Screen/Lift reaction after
Projector Power ON/OFF
Cross-connected wires at the trigger signal
connection cable.
Check the connecting cable and
No Screen/Lift reaction when
the projector lamp is set on
Exchausted Wireless Trigger Transmitter
battery .
Replace battery at Wireless Transmitter.
Power supply indicator (red)
do not light
Screen/lift operates wihout
any control signal
There is no reaction for the
commands from the
Lack of power supply
Reaction to the commands from the remote
transmitter of an other remote transmitter.
Remote Transmitter battery has exhausted.
Defective Remote Transmitter
Check the Control Unit’s circuit fuse and
condition of the power cable.
Erase the Control Unit memory and
programm the transmitter again. Cloned
transmitter program as separate unit.
Replace the Remote Transmitter batery with
a new one.
Replace the Remote Transmitter