ExpertNet Lite Assessment Tool - User Guide
Step 4: SNMP Settings
On this page you can set values for SNMP requests sent on the network. These
settings rarely need to be changed.
Poll Interval of Single
Poll interval defines the interval for sending SNMP requests to a single
node on the network. The default Poll Interval is 120 seconds.
Maximum Total
Number of Polls/Sec
Used to set network throttling by limiting the number of SNMP requests
per second sent to all nodes. This setting takes precedence over Poll
Interval: if Poll Interval is too small, it is automatically recalculated by
the Controller to satisfy the Maximum Total). Default setting is 2 polls
per second.
Number of Request
Defines the number of times the SNMP request is sent to a network
device if the response does not arrive within the period set in the
Request Timeout field. The default setting is 1.
Request Timeout
Defines how many seconds the Controller will wait for a response to an
SNMP request before sending a retry. The default setting is 5 seconds.