Default value
server. Assign any one of the
following values:
• 0: No
• 1: Yes. Override the NTP
server that you configured.
Specifies the time zone
based on which the phone
displays the date and time.
Specifies whether DHCP
Option 2 overrides the time
zone settings. Assign any
one of the following values:
• 0: No
• 1: Yes. Overrides the Time
Zone setting if available.
Specifies the user-defined
time zone. Use the following
syntax to define the time
std offset dst [offset], start [/
time], end [/time]
The default is set to MTZ
+6MDT+5,M4.1.0,M11.1.0 ,
• MTZ+6MDT+5 indicates a
time zone with six hours
offset with one hour ahead
of the U.S central time.
Plus (+) indiactes the local
time zone is west of the
Prime Meridian. Minus (-)
indicates the local time
zone is east of the Prime
• M4.1.0,M11.1.0 in which
the first number indicates
the month, where 1
corresponds to January, 2
corresponds to February,
and so on. The second
number indicates the nth
iteration of the weekday,
where 1 corresponds to
Sunday, 2 corresponds to
Date and time parameters
Administering Avaya E129 SIP Deskphone
April 2014 97