LDAP Number Filter
Specifies the filter that the phone uses for
number lookups. For example, (|
(telephoneNumber=%)(Mobile=%) returns
all records which has the telephone number
field or mobile field starting with the prefix
that you enter.
LDAP Name Filter
Specifies the filter that the phone uses for
name lookups. For example, (|(cn=%)(sn=
%)) returns all records which has the cn field
or sn field starting with the prefix that you
LDAP Version
Specifies the protocol version for the phone
to send the bind requests.
LDAP Name Attributes
Specifies the space-separated name
attributes that the phone returns for an LDAP
search. For example, cn sn description.
LDAP Number Attributes
Specifies the space-separated number
attributes that the phone returns for an LDAP
search. For example, telephoneNumber
LDAP Display Name
Specifies space-separated attributes that the
phone displays. You can display up to 3
attributes. For example, %cn %sn
Max. Hits
Specifies the maximum number of results
that an LDAP search returns. You can
specify any value in the range of 1 to 3000.
Search Timeout
Specifies the interval in seconds for the
server to process the request and for the
client to wait for the sever result. You can
specify any value in the range of 0 to 180.
Sort Results
Specifies whether the phone sorts LDAP
search result.
LDAP Lookup
Specifies whether to enable number
searching at the time of dialing and receiving
Lookup Display Name
Specifies the space-separated display name
for the attributes that an LDAP search looks
up for incoming and outgoing calls. The
values must be a subset of values that you
enter for the
LDAP Name Attributes
Managing the phone book
Administering Avaya E129 SIP Deskphone
April 2014 61