Abandoned Time:
Abandoned time relates to lost calls and is the total age of a new incoming call at the
point it was lost.
Automatic Route Selection
See manual
Call Segment:
A part of a call for which a pair of devices were connected i.e. inbound call from ringing
to transfer is a segment, from transfer to next transfer is a segment, from answer or
transfer to end of call (if no further transfers occur) is a segment.
Direct Dial Inwards
A number that is associated to an incoming call through its lifecycle. This number gets
translated to call an agent or a group. This number is presented by the PSTN when an
incoming call rings: if the facility has been bought by the subscriber
Directory Number
The number that is associated with each agent name
Failed Calls:
Unanswered Calls. (E.g. Agent dials external number and does not receive connect
message from the PSTN.)
Grade of Service
Similar to PCA. GOS = No. of calls answered within target / total of calls an
lost calls. (Always less than or equal to PCA).
Highest Numbered Group
An agent may be a member of a number of groups. The report will only show the
information of the agent in the highest numbered group to which the agent belongs.
(HNG is relevant for collective reports).
Integrated Voice Mail
Separate manual available
Lost Calls:
1. Incoming calls that neither connected to voice mail nor agent
2. Calls that were answered by VM but cleared before being transferred or reaching an
answer flag in VM
3. Calls that failed to be answered after transfer by VM (without reaching answer flag).
Percentage Calls Answered
A popular quality metric to show the frequency with which calls are being answered
within the user selected target answer time. PCA = No. of calls answered within target /
total of calls answered. This is for a group/agent/trunk/trunk group. (NB:- This
calculation does NOT take lost calls into consideration)
Private Branch Exchange
Public Switched Telephone Network
The 'rest of the world'. (Outside the Call environment of the switch).
CCM 3.1
Page 96
Standard Reports
38DHB0002UKEM Issue 4 (18/07/2002)