Add Server
In the Modify Farm screen click on the “Add Server” button to add a new server to this farm. Or you
can select the radio button of the farm from the main screen and c
lick on the “Add Server” button on
the left.
Server IP Address
Enter the IP address of the real server to be added to the farm.
Once the server is added, the IP address cannot be changed. To correct
the IP address, the server must be deleted and a new one be created.
Add a
label to each server’s IP address. The purpose of labeling a server is only to help
identify the server in the farm. It has nothing to do with the name resolution of the server.
Although a label can be anything, it is always better to have a meaningful and unique label
for each server.
Server Port Number
If the port number specified in the farm setup is the same as the real server’s port number,
you can leave this as “same.” In NAT mode, the WebMux can perform port forwarding from
the farm IP port to the server IP port if you specify a server port that is different from the
farm port.
Like the IP address, once created, the port number cannot be changed. To
correct the port number, the server needs to be deleted and a new one to
be created.