Since any IP address on the WebMux (including farm IPs) listen on the control
port, a non-standard port has been selected for the management port. If you have a
farm IP using port 35 as well, the WebMux will not be able to determine if the incoming
connection is destined for the management console or for network traffic management.
Therefore, always use a port that will not be used for any farm.
SNMP on the WebMux is active on port 161 by default. You can change the port here. Or
you c
an enter “0” or “none” or leave blank to disable SNMP altogether.
SNMP Community String
The WebMux uses SNMP v1 and the commu
nity string “webmux” by default. You can
change the community string in this field.
WebMux Diagnostic Ports
The WebMux allows diagnostic sessions from remote access for factory technical support or
trained network engineers through ssh or telnet. Access is also subject to the restriction of
the “Allowed-Host” setting earlier. “superuser” can login with its password using “ssh” to run
certain diagnostic tools (help shows the commands). When this entry is blank, any
diagnostic access is denied. This entry should remain blank under normal operations.
Default port numbers are 77 for ssh and 87 for telnet. If only one port is specified, only ssh
login is possible. You will need to notify us the port numbers before obtaining support from
WebMux Failover Ports
The WebMux allows configuration of failover ports being used by primary and backup
WebMux units. Default port numbers are 2000 and 2001. Do not change this unless you
have very specific requirements to do so.
Least Significant Bits in Client IP Address to Ignore for Persistent Connections
This setting allows persistent connections to be handled properly when clients are coming
from behind cache servers. With cache servers, the IP address of the cache server is the
source address. Since a client can be sent through multiple cache servers; it is possible the
requests are actually coming from one client, but network traffic management will see it as
different clients and sent the requests to different web servers in the farm. Therefore,
applications that require persistent and secure connections, such as shopping carts, will not
work properly. This feature will treat a small range of IP differences as one source, thus the
WebMux can properly handle the persistent requests from browsers.
From customers’
feedback, three (3) is good enough for most requests.
The WebMux will use this setting to determine how to load balance the network traffic. It
calculates based on two to the power of the setting value as the number of IP addresses to
combine. If too large a mask applied, it will defeat the load balancing function of the