Specify a port numb
er that doesn’t duplicate any existing IP/port combinations. A port
number of “all” will enable all port ranges, but excluding any already existing ports
associated with the specified IP address. Please see the note at the end of this section
regarding the behaviors of the additional IP/port in conjunction with SSL termination.
This allows you to specify the type of health checking you want the WebMux to perform for
this MAP instance.
SSL Termination
You can enable the WebMux to do the SSL termination of this MAP instance.
SSL Port
The known secure port for the type of service you selected will be automatically filled in.
You can manually change it if you are using a different port for that service.
Block Non-SSL Access to Farm
Prohibits non-SSL connection to this MAP instance.
Tag SSL-terminated HTTP Requests
This will enable the WebMux to add an “X-WebMux-SSL-termination: true” MIME header in
the decrypted HTTP request sent to the server.
NOTE: If your farm is already SSL terminated and you create an additional IP/
port combination that is not SSL terminated using the main farm IP and specifying the
same secure port
(or “all”), the SSL termination by the WebMux will be bypassed and
SSL passed directly to the server.
This link will require you to first select the radio button of a MAP entry from the Main Status screen.
You can also get to this screen by clicking on IP:port link for the MAP entry.