2. Check that a MV low alarm is triggered.
3. Set the MV low alarm limit to 2.0 L/min and check that the alarm is cancelled.
4.7.3 PRESSURE HIGH Alarm Test
1. Set the pressure high alarm limit to 30cmH
2. Check the Peak reading. Adjust the tidal volume until the reading is higher than the pressure
high alarm limit.
3. Check that a PRESSURE HIGH alarm triggered.
4.7.4 Continuous Pressure High Alarm Test
1. Connect the manual bag.
2. Set the flowmeter to minimum.
3. Set the APL valve to 30 cmH
O position.
4. Set the bag/Vent switch to bag.
5. Press and hold the O
flush button to fill bag until the reading on the airway pressure gauge is
approximately 30 cmH
6. After 15 seconds, check that a continuous pressure high alarm is triggered.
4.7.5 PRESSURE LOW Alarm Test
1. Set the bag/Vent switch to vent.
2. Set the Paw low alarm limit to 5 cmH
3. Disconnect the test lung from the Y piece patient connection.
4. Check that a PRESSURE LOW alarm triggered.
5. Connect the test lung to the Y piece port.
6. Make sure the low Paw alarm is cancelled.
4.8 Preoperative preparations
1. Check that the ventilator parameters and alarm limits are set to applicable clinical levels. For
details, refer to section 7 Operations and Ventilation Setup.
2. Check that the system is Standby.
3. Check that the equipment for airway maintenance, manual ventilation and tracheal intubation,
and applicable Anesthetic and emergency drugs are available.
4. Set the bag/Vent switch to the bag.
5. Connect the manual bag to the bag port.
6. Turn off all vaporizers.
7. Turn the APL valve control to fully open the APL valve (MIN position).