• Window function / normally open (fig� 5-4): [OUx] = [Fno]�
• Window function / normally closed (fig� 5-4): [OUx] = [Fnc]�
The width of the window can be set by means of the difference between
FHx and FLx� FHx = upper value, FLx = lower value�
Fig. 5-3
Fig. 5-4
L = level; HY = hysteresis; FE = window
• For each switching output a switch-off delay of max� 60 s can be set (e�g� for
especially long pump cycles)�
5.2.4 Offset for indicating the real level in the tank
The zone between tank bottom and lower edge of the probe can be entered as
offset value [OFS]� So display and switch points refer to the actual level�
5.2.5 Probes for different tank heights
• The unit can be installed in tanks of different sizes� Probes in different lengths
are available� To adapt to the tank height, each probe can be shortened� The
minimum probe length is 10 cm, the maximum probe length is 160 cm�
• Probe and housing can be rotated without restriction� This enables easy
installation and orientation of the head of the unit after installation�