Autopower Corporation Copyright 2017
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Before we get started there are only a few areas of the system that the Escape key, Backspace
key, Space Bar and the Delete key can be used. When we get to these areas of the application
they will be pointed out to you. These keys cause control characters in some of the data records
and should not be used except where we tell you they can be used.
Recording information manually is often one of the most time-consuming and inaccurate
functions performed in the warehouse. While there are a number of traditional ways of
capturing information, the problems with these methods are the time it takes to record the
information, the cost it takes to translate the information and record it, and the risk of errors in
manually counting and receiving.
Radio frequency scanner software enables you to record the data into the system while still in
the warehouse. By using its unique scanning feature, the risk of errors by manual entry is greatly