Autopower Corporation Copyright 2017
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P a g e
Situations may arise when the scanner does not recognize a barcode. There are a few reasons
why this may occur; the part may be a recent addition to inventory that does have a barcode
assigned, the supplier may have changed the barcode for the part, or the supplier may be using
more than one barcode for the part.
When a barcode that has not
been updated into the
system is scanned or
manually entered, the RF
scanner beeps briefly
displaying “OK to Add? Y/N?”
After answering “Y’ you will
be prompted to enter in the
Part Number associated with
the Barcode. If you answer
“N” the cursor will return to
the BCD field.
You will be prompted to rescan
the BarCode or type in the letter
“C” to Create the barcode.