Suggested Battery Charger Set points:
The battery manufacturer should provide you with specific instructions
on the following maintenance and charging regulation set point limits for
the specific batteries. The following information can be used when the
manufacturer's information is not available. Note: Higher settings can be
used with non-sealed batteries, but water consumption will be greater
and excessive temperatures when charging may occur.
Sealed Lead Acid – AGM / GEL 12V 24V 48V
ABSORB voltage set point 14.3v 28.6v 57.2v
FLOAT voltage set point 13.6v 27.2v 54.4v
Non-Sealed Lead Acid 24V 24V 48V
ABSORB voltage set point 14.8v 29.6v 59.2v
FLOAT voltage set point 13.6v 27.2v 54.4v
Multi –Stage Battery Charging
The MPPT charge controller is a sophisticated multi-stage battery
charger that uses several regulation stages to allow fast recharging
of the battery system while ensuring a long battery life. This process
can be used with both sealed and non-sealed batteries. The MPPT will
automatically set the charging regulation voltage set points (absorb &
float) for the selected nominal battery voltage, however, always follow the
battery manufacturer’s recommended charging regulation voltages. The
MPPT charging regulation stages correspond to the chart below.