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Safety Features
Globe Bonnet
The Bonnet functions as a cover and guard for the waste
port as the Globe (and waste port) rotates from the top of
the unit into the Base. The Bonnet also provides a mount
location for the Automatic Night Light, wires, and electrical
terminals that provide a low and safe 5VDC to the Night
Light. The Globe will not rotate without the Bonnet installed
(see Control Panel - Indicator Lights -> Yellow LED Flashing,
page 16).
Cat Re-Entry Protection
If the Cat Sensor detects that your cat is trying to enter the
Litter-Robot during a cleaning cycle the Globe will stop
rotating. The Litter-Robot then waits for 15 seconds before
attempting to resume the clean cycle. Note that weight
applied on the Step will not trip the Cat Sensor and stop the
Globe rotation. This is intentional as we do not want to
invite a cat to enter by stopping the Globe rotation.
If however, the cat steps inside, the Globe will
immediately stop.
Anti-Pinch Safety Feature
The Litter-Robot comes equipped with an Anti-Pinch Safety
Feature to make the Litter-Robot extra safe for your cat. If a
potential pinch condition is detected, the Globe automatically
stops and then reverses direction for approximately 2
seconds. The yellow LED will then flash twice per second for
one minute.