In Case of Fire:
• Get every one out of the motor home.
• Call the fire brigade.
• Turn off outside gas valve, remove cylinders from vehicle
and place some distance away if possible.
• If it is an electrical fire, always turn off the supply as quickly
as possible.
• Tackle the fire only if it is safe to do so.
If Tackling the Fire:
• Tackle from the outside not the inside.
• Stand back about two metres from the motor home while
aiming the extinguisher at the base of the fire not the
• Once the extinguisher is empty, close the vehicle door and
await the fire brigade. Do not re-enter the vehicle even if
the fire appears to be out, there is always a danger of
Cooker Fires:
• Never use an extinguisher on a flaming pan as there is a
danger of explosion.Always use a fire blanket.
• If possible, try to turn off the gas flame.
• Never throw a flaming pan outside.
• Keep hands away from the flames and smother the flames.
• Pull the blanket tightly over the pan to eliminate oxygen.
• Do not throw the blanket over the fire, calmly place it over
the pan paying particular attention to the handle.
• Do not remove the blanket from the pan until sure the
flames are extinguished and the pan has cooled
Engine Fires
Switch off the engine and get everyone away from the
vehicle. Use extinguishers from outside the vehicle at a safe
distance and call the fire brigade. If the fire begins to
develop, leave the area at once as there is danger of
explosion if the fuel tank catches fire.
Smoke Detectors
It is a legal requirement for a smoke detector to be fitted in
a motorhome. Read the instructions carefully and test the
detector prior to every trip.
The smoke alarm has a manual override switch to prevent
unwanted operation due to fumes or steam during cooking.
Use of this switch does not prevent operation if a fire occurs.
The smoke alarm is an ionisation point-type smoke detector,
designed to give early warning of a developing fire and so
give extra time for escape.
The alarm will be set off by even small traces of smoke and,
when fitted in an appropriate way, gives a warning sound
loud enough to wake people from normal sleep.
Remember that a smoke alarm cannot prevent fires or
reduce the risk of a fire starting. It does not warn of dangers
which may lead to fire such as gas escapes. Take sensible
precautions to reduce fire risks.
Fire Extinguisher
Your vehicle should be equipped with a dry powder fire
extinguisher. This will either be located near to the entrance
door or behind the drivers seat.You are advised to familiarise
yourself of the location and operation of the extinguisher
before using your vehicle.
15. Fire And Safety
Fitted Fire Extinguisher in situ
Final 2006 AT Handbook 1/12/05 12:06 pm Page 41