The technical characteristics can change without notice. AUR°EL S.p.A doesn’t assume the respons
Via Foro dei Tigli, 4 - 47015 Modigliana (FC)
Tel.: +390546941124 – Fax: +390546941660
Functional modes
This section describes the operational modes of the
given in Figure 3, and each mode is
loading and running the corresponding subroutine. Most transitions are immediate, shorter than t
transactions, except for those marked in the figure and listed in T
See SPI Operation chapter.
Power Down
This mode is enabled when ENABLE
and the voltage reference are disabled and the supply current
The technical characteristics can change without notice. AUR°EL S.p.A doesn’t assume the responsibility to the damages caused by an improper us
47015 Modigliana (FC) – ITALY
Fax: +390546941660
operational modes of the RTX-24EM-HP module. An example state diagram is
described below. The SPI interface is used to set or change the mode by
loading and running the corresponding subroutine. Most transitions are immediate, shorter than t
those marked in the figure and listed in Table 5: Timing Characteristics.
Figure 1: RTX-24EM-HP Functional Overview
his mode is enabled when ENABLE (Pin 10) or nRESET (Pin 4) is tied to GND. EM9209 internal
and the voltage reference are disabled and the supply current is < 2uA.
User guide
bility to the damages caused by an improper use of the device.
12/11/2019 - Rev. A
Page 11
. An example state diagram is
ed to set or change the mode by
loading and running the corresponding subroutine. Most transitions are immediate, shorter than the SPI
GND. EM9209 internal regulators