Assembly Instruction
KS2 / KS2 T
Danger spots by crush and shear points
Roof windows / skyskylight domes
Louvre windows
Danger spots: crush and shear points
Important safety instructions: To ensu-
re safety of persons, these instructions
must be strictly observed.
Always keep these instructions available.
Risk of crushing and entr
Window closes automatically!
When closing or opening the drive is stopped
by the drive-integrated or external electronic
load disconnection.
There is always enough pressure force to
crush fi ngers in case of carelessness.
Do not put your hand into the window rabbet or into the
moving chain during assembly work and operation !
Make sure that entrapment between the moving casement
and the fi x elements (i. e. wall), due to openings, is not pos-
Crush and shear points
Crush and shear points between casements and frames
must be secured up to a height of 2.5 m (bottom edge of
moving element) by devices that will stop the movement
by touch or interruption initiated by a person and prevent
any injury. A warning sign must be clearly attached to the
opening element.
On power-operated doors and gates danger spots of crush
and shear points must be secured against entrapment by
appropriate measures to prevent injuries.
Casements must be hung or secured such way that, in case
one of the mounting elements fails, it will not break away /
slam down or move in an uncontrolled manner by providing
double suspensions, safety scissors, casement stays.
Bottom-hung windows must be provided with safety scis-
sors or similar devices. Safety stays prevent damage and
injuries to persons which might result from improper instal-
lation and handling.
The safety scissors must match the opening stroke of the
drive (see technical data). This means: the opening width of
the safety scissors must be greater than the drive stroke in
order to avoid any blocking.
Mounting, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
These instructions shall allow professional assembly, com-
missioning and maintenance carried out by qualifi ed and
safety-minded electricians and/or skilled staff with in-depth
knowledge of electrical and mechanical drive assembly.
To ensure safe operation and avoid damage and risks the
system must be carefully assembled and adjusted according
to these assembly instructions. All dimensions have to be
verifi ed at the place of installation and must be adjusted,
if required.
Please note the connection assignment, the
permissible drive voltage (see type plate), the
minimum and maximum performance data
(see technical data) and the assembly and in-
stallation notes and strictly adhere to them!
Never connect 24 V DC drives to 230 V supply!
Danger to life !
safety scissors
Secure the window in front of inadvertent or
unintentional opening and against falling.