Technical data
The following tables include standard and optional features. For detailed information
on the customer-specific version, refer to the order-related data sheet. The technical
data sheet can be downloaded from the Internet in both German and English at ht-
tp://www.auma.com (please state the order number).
Technical data Multi-turn actuators
Features and functions
Refer to name plate
Explosion protection
Certificates are attached to the device. All standards applied and their respective issues are indicated
on these certificates.
Certificates and standards
The specific conditions of use are listed on the certificates supplied.
Specific conditions of use
Short-time duty S2 - 15 min, classes A and B according to EN 15714-2
Type of duty
(Multi-turn actuators for open-close
Short-time duty S2 - 30 min, classes A and B according to EN 15714-2
For nominal voltage and +40 °C ambient temperature and at run torque load.
Intermittent duty S4 - 25 %, class C according to EN 15714-2
Type of duty
(Multi-turn actuators for modulating
Intermittent duty S4 - 50 %, class C according to EN 15714-2
Intermittent duty S5 - 25 % (insulation class H required), class C according to EN 15714-
For nominal voltage and +40 °C ambient temperature and at modulating torque load.
3-phase AC asynchronous squirrel-cage motor, type IM B9 according to IEC 60034-7,
IC410 cooling procedure according to IEC 60034-6
1-phase AC motor with permanent split capacitor (PSC),
type IM B9 according to IEC 60034-7, IC410 cooling procedure according to IEC 60034-
1-phase AC motor with integral starting capacitor and solid state switch (CSIR)
type IM B9 according to IEC 60034-7, IC410 cooling procedure according to IEC 60034-
Refer to motor name plate
Permissible variation of mains voltage: ±10 %
Permissible variation of mains frequency: ±5 % (for 3-phase and 1-phase AC current)
Mains voltage, mains frequency
Category III according to IEC 60364-4-443
Overvoltage category
F, tropicalized
Insulation class
H, tropicalized (with 3-phase AC motor
PTC thermistors (according to DIN 44082)
Motor protection
Thermoswitches (NC) in the actuator and thermal overload relay in actuator controls
Self-locking: Output speeds up to 90 rpm (50 Hz), 108 rpm (60 Hz)
NOT self-locking: Output speeds from 125 rpm (50 Hz), 150 rpm (60 Hz)
Multi-turn actuators are self-locking if the valve position cannot be changed from standstill while torque
acts upon the output drive.
110 – 120 V AC, 220 – 240 V AC or 380 – 480 V AC (3-phase AC motors)
110 – 120 V AC, 220 – 240 V AC
Motor heater (option)
Power depending on the size 12.5 – 25 W
Manual drive for setting and emergency operation, handwheel does not rotate during electrical operation.
Manual operation
Handwheel lockable
Handwheel stem extension
Power tool for emergency operation with square 30 mm or 50 mm
Indication whether manual operation is active/not active via single switch (1 change-over contact)
Indication for manual operation (op-
B1 according to EN ISO 5210
Valve attachment
A, B2, B3, B4, C, D according to EN ISO 5210
A, B, D, E according to DIN 3210
C according to DIN 3338
Special valve attachments: AF, AK, AG, B3D, ED, DD, IB1, IB3
A prepared for permanent lubrication of stem
SAEx 07.2 – SAEx 16.2 / SAREx 07.2 – SAREx 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
ACExC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Modbus TCP/IP
Technical data