a. Align the sensor
probe on the center of the baby’s foot.
b. Press and hold the end of the strap until it has adhered to the skin.
c. Gently wrap the strap
around the baby’s foot.
d. Slightly fasten the strap.
e. Stick the Velcro ends together.
f. All done! Ready to use.
NOTE: The LED indicator will blink green when valid vital sign data is
CAUTION! Do not wrap the Infant Oximeter Module around the
foot too tightly as it may affect blood circulation.
CAUTION! Do not twist, bend or pull the end of the strap with the
sensor probe.
CAUTION! Inspect and relocate the sensor application site at least
every 10 hours to ensure correct sensor alignment and
skin integrity. Patient sensitivity to sensors may vary
due to medical status or skin condition.