User Manual smar-tel-i
When you have a question during a call that needs clarification, then use Consultation to call
a second party without terminating the original call.
Example: Suspend a call in order to initiate a consultation with an internal subscriber.
When the subscriber who was called for consultation is busy or can not be reached,
then also press the soft-key under “End“ in order to return to the first caller.
When the subscriber on hold replaces the receiver, it can be seen that the “1“ or “2“
preceding the telephone number of your current party disappears. This call can now be
continued without further hindrance.
When the current party replaces the receiver, the soft-key under “End“ must be
pressed in order to return to the subscriber on hold.
You can switch your party by replacing the receiver. If you wish to switch two parties,
either a corresponding calling authorization mode must be set for your device or one of
the two exchange access lines must be initiated with “67“ and the exchange access
code “0.“ ( Refer to the PBX manual).
4. 4. 3
Initiating a Consultation with a Second Caller
Suspend the call.
You hear the dial tone.
Dial the number of the second party to be con-
sulted and wait until he answers.
You are connected with the second party.
Terminate this call.
Now you are only connected with first party
and can continue the call.
If you do not operate your smar-tel-i with an AUERSWALD PBX, but rather connect it
directly to the network termination of your EURO-ISDN interface and the receiver has
been replaced instead of pressing the soft-key under “End,“ you will hear short
sequential signals for eight seconds after replacing the receiver. Smar-tel-i is
signaling that subscribers are still waiting in the background on the exchange. Please
lift the receiver. You are then connected with a subscriber again and this call can then
be terminated in the usual manner.
If smar-tel-i is operated on any other PBX, switching can be activated at the tele-
phone. (Refer to the chapter Enabling / Disabling the Exchange on page 56).
End Con2 Park Cost
Dial: 3:--3-----
End < > 4:-2-----8
2: kitchen
End Con1 Conf Cost
End Con2 Park Cost