Page 15
9 - Ligne en mode réponse plate
10 - Specifications
There is a new feature which is the dBV audio level. The measurements and the display allow
to control the signal level coming from the sound system of the place. Poor sound in the loop
system often comes from a low signal level in the sound system. This input uses the latest mode
on the FSM and displays a specific level.
We recommend a level between -10dBV and 0dBV.
To use this feature scroll through the different modes until you see
"Line In Flat Response"
on the screen.
Measuring range:
-62dB to +9dB (0dB = 400mA/m)
Peak factor :
< 0.1dB resolution for higher levels -32dB
Measurement resolution: 0.1 dB
Detection type:
RMS on all features
Sensor :
Coil sensor
Direction of sensitivity:
In vertical position of the sensor (noted on the product)
Calibration :
Calibrated at 1000 Hz (sine) read 0 dB at 5.03 mG
Frequency response:
Flat ±1dB from 50 Hz to 10,000 Hz
2 meters specified in standard 61672-1
Power Source:
Battery (9V) and external power outlet
Headphone jack:
Weighted or flat output (selectable)
16x2 LCD
blue LED (adjustable brightness)