Commercial noise masking systems rely on “white noise”
which sounds remarkably like a bathroom exhaust fan and
like the sound of water in a shower-- both of which are louder
than the background noise level in the other parts of the
house. So if the client wants to rock out in the bathroom, and
particularly the shower, you need to have speakers very near
to them. Modern day larger bathrooms need more than two
speakers for these reasons.
What about large rooms as well as rooms where the
listener is far from the speakers?
Typical in-wall speakers are designed to be near the lis
tener. In common rooms with eight foot ceilings and other
usual dimensions, in-wall speakers typically are not much
more than eight feet from the listener. In large mansions,
the game changes. Twenty foot ceilings are normal and typi
cal speakers are too far away to provide the client much SPL
(sound pressure level). There are in-wall speakers designed
for these longer “throw” distances. In general, larger rooms
with more height require more speakers and speakers with
tighter “directivity” to get party-level SPL. In this case, also,
size matters and bigger speakers are better.
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