Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
Logging Format
In response to a logging inquiry (log?), The Director will
respond with the most recent fifty events. The format of the
logged response is:
where E= event code, C=zone, Y= year, M= month, D= day,
H= hour, M= minute and S=second. Event code include:
01= DC offset/global
02= short circuit
03= over temperate
04= Line voltage high
05= Line voltage low
For the zone code:
00 channel pair 1-2
01 channel pair 3-4
02 channel pair 5-6
03 channel pair 7-8
04 channel pair 9-10
05 channel pair 11-12
06 channel pair 13-14
07 channel pair 15-16
99 all zones,
i.e. global protection
Operation Without An Ethernet Connection
To operate The Director without an Ethernet connection,
in an emergency, or while troubleshooting, press in the “Eth
ernet Bypass” button on the rear of the unit. The indicator
LED will glow red. Now you can trigger the unit on and off
via the 12 volt trigger in a conventional fashion. The slide
switches at the top for each zone will select Bus 1, Bus 2, or
the local input. Unfortunately, you will have no control over
the signal processing, however this will let you get music from
the system in an emergency.
Connectivity and