Component Checkout
You can use the SA-3051/SA-3052 to check out the frequency response of any component that you can
get pink noise into or out of. Of course, signal processors, preamplifiers and amplifiers can all use the
pink noise output of the SA-3051/SA-3052. Testing RIAA preamplifiers requires a precision inverse
RIAA network. A schematic for such a network is outlined below in Figure 5.1.
Signal sources require a pink noise source compatible with their input format. For instance, a turntable
requires a pink noise record, a tape machine requires a pink noise tape. Pink noise sources are available
for all common high-fi sources, including CD players.
The diagrams in Figures 5.2 to 5.7 show how to wire everything. The 1dB/step setting gives maximum
resolution. Most purely electronic devices should be able to easily exceed the 1dB resolution of the
SA-3051/SA-3052 display. Most tape machines (especially cassette machines) will not.
Figure 5.1. An inverse RIAA network
Figure 5.2. Checking a signal source
Figure 5.3. Checking a phono preamp