CHAPTER 4 Teams Application
C448HD C450HD | Users & Administrator's Manual
LLDP- MED (Link Layer Discovery Protocol – Media Endpoint Discovery) is a
standard link layer protocol used by network devices to advertise their identity,
capabilities, and neighbors on a local area network based on IEEE802 technology,
principally wired Ethernet. Teams devices connected to the network via Ethernet will
dynamically update location information for emergency calling services based on
changes to network attributes including chassis ID and port ID.
Multi-Cloud Sign-in
For authentication into specialized clouds, users can choose the 'Settings' gear icon on the sign-
in page to see the options that are applicable to their tenant.
Remote Provisioning and Sign-in from Teams Admin Center
Network administrators can remotely provision and sign in to a Teams device. To provision a
device remotely, the admin needs to upload the MAC IDs of the devices being provisioned and
create a verification code. The entire process can be completed remotely from the Teams
admin center.
Step 1: Add a device MAC address
Provision the device by imprinting a MAC address on it.
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