Page 101
Under the Download Labels
and Parameters sub-tab, you
can proceed to alter the Input
Labels to customize your Cin-
ema Reference Mach II.
To do so, select an input num-
ber from the column on the left.
The Input Label will display
and you can then highlight the
name using your mouse and
type in your own Input Label.
ADA strongly suggests leaving
the one or two digit numeric
input number reference in
You may also select the audio
and video jacks assigned to
this Input Number/Label, as
well as the signal that will emit
from the Processed RGB out-
Low Voltage trigger assign-
ment is also facilitated on this
page individually for Triggers
1 and 2.
Lastly, you may also select the
two Default Modes and the two
User Modes for this Input
Once all these features are
set, you may save them for
future reference. To do so,
press the Save File button and
assign a file name to this
To recall these saved settings,
you will press the Load File
button and then select the de-
sired file you wish to open.
To download this setup to the
Cinema Reference Mach II,
press the Download All button.
Download Input will just down-
load the selected input.