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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
8 10 Nm
9 Securing plate
10 Rubber grommet
11 Spacer sleeve
12 Washer
◆ Conical side to intake manifold
13 Seal
◆ Renew if damaged
14 Seal
◆ For change-over barrel
15 6 Nm
1.8 - Wiring and component check with test box V.A.G 1598/31
◆ Test box V.A.G 1598/31 is designed so that it can be connected to the wiring harness for the engine control
unit and to the engine control unit itself at the same time.
◆ This has the advantage of enabling the engine management system to remain fully operational even with
the test box connected (for example, when testing signals while the engine is running).
Audi A8 1994 ➤
Motronic injection and ignition system (6-cylinder) - Edition 02.1999
24 - Mixture preparation, Injection