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If fuel pump does not run:
- Test activation of fuel pump and other components =>Page
Testing activation of fuel pump relay
- Switch off ignition.
- Connect test box V.A.G 1598/31 to wiring harness for engine control unit. Do not connect to the engine
control unit itself.
- Connect sockets 65 and 2 of test box to each other using auxiliary cable from V.A.G 1594.
Specification: the fuel pump relay (relay position 4) should pick up.
If the relay picks up now but not during the final control diagnosis:
- Replace engine control unit =>Page
If the relay does not pick up:
- -> Disconnect fuel pump relay from relay panel (relay position 4).
- -> Connect hand-held multimeter (voltage measurement range) between earth and contact 19 on relay
Specification: approx. battery voltage
If the specification is not obtained:
Audi A8 1994 ➤
Motronic injection and ignition system (6-cylinder) - Edition 02.1999
1.14 - Testing fuel pump relay -J17 and relay activation