AutoResume sets or gets the AutoResume features for
interrupted rebuild, erase, initialization, media scan, and
conversion operations at startup. Optional parameter
GroupName specifies the RAID group to operate on. If no
GroupName is specified, the command operates on all existing
RAID groups.
set AutoResume
[enabled|disabled] <GroupName>
get AutoResume
BlockDevClean removes any RAID configuration data from the
block device with the specified BlockDevID. BlockDevID is the
index of a block device provided by the BlockDevScan CLI
command. Caution: All RAID Group setup information is lost
and you lose all RAID Group data.
BlockDevClean [BlockDevID]
Lights the LED of a disk drive. Use either RAID Group name and
member index, or BlockDevID. BlockDevID is the index of a
block device provided by the BlockDevScan CLI command.
BlockDevIdentify [ [Group Name Member Index]
Turns off the IO LED of a previously identified disk drive. Specify
RAID group name and member index, BlockDevID, or no
parameters (which will turn off all previously identified drives).
BlockDevID is the index of the block device provided by the
BlockDevScan CLI command.
BlockDevIdStop <[GroupName MemberIndex] |
BlockDevInfo gives detailed information about connected
physical block devices along with any potential RAID Group
BlockDevInfo [BlockDevID | all]
BlockDevScan lists all currently connected physical block
devices along with any potential RAID Group association. Each
block device listed is assigned a unique index at the time of the
scan. This index is used to identify block devices for other CLI
Regulates the delay in seconds after startup before allowing
hosts to detect discovered targets.
Default: 5
set BootDelay [0 - 255]
get BootDelay
The BootOldestImage command allows the user to boot the
appliance using the oldest stored flash image.
Reports the specific model and firmware information to the CLI.
get BridgeModel
BridgeName provides a descriptive ASCII name assigned to the
system. This field is used by applications to identify individual
systems. The specified name can be up to a maximum of eight
characters. Unlike other non-immediates, changes to
BridgeName take effect immediately.
Default: “ “
set BridgeName [name]
get BridgeName
When enabled, the audible alarm will sound under error
conditions. When disabled, the audible alarm is muted.
set BuzzerOnError [enabled | disabled]
get BuzzerOnError
Turns the audible alarm on or off regardless of the
BuzzerOnError state. The optional seconds parameter specifies
the length of time that the alarm is on. If the seconds parameter
is omitted, the audible alarm will not turn off until the BuzzerTest
Off command is issued.
BuzzerTest [on <seconds> | off]
(CacheAssure Models only)
Returns the current status of the CacheAssure NV Memory
Card. This includes whether or not it is installed.
get CACacheStatus
(CacheAssure Models only)
Deletes the contents of CacheAssure flash memory. Warning:
CacheAssure may contain data for drives that are not
connected, and issuing this command will cause that data to be