9. Find a suitable/visible location to mount the L.E.D. such as the dash or a
gauge pillar.
10. Drill a hole just large enough to fit the plastic sleeve through and push the
LED through to secure it. A 1/4" drill bit will work best.
11. Find a suitable location for the supplied power switch and install it. The
switch requires a 13/16” hole to mount properly.
12. Feed the four-wire group (
Red, Black, Yellow, Blue
) extending from the
Water Boy harness through a rubber grommet in the firewall into the cab.
13. Connect the
wire of the four-wire group to the center terminal of the
switch with a spade connector. The wire should be labeled; “To Middle
Terminal Switch”.
14. Connect the remaining three wires of the four-wire group to the L.E.D.
color for color.
15. Connect the supplied
wire to the brass-colored terminal of the
switch with the spade connector. Connect the other end of the black wire
to a good ground under the dash.
16. Connect the supplied
wire to the remaining switch terminal and
attach it to a 12V source under the dash that is only energized when the
key is turned on. Use a voltmeter to find a suitable wire.
17. At a convenient location under the dash, cut the
wire connected to
the switch and splice in the supplied in-line fuse holder. Use the supplied
15A fuse.
18. Find suitable locations for both the pump and tank. Depending on the size
of the tank and the vehicle make, a spot under the hood might be hard to
find. If the tank cannot be mounted in the engine compartment, mount the
tank in the bed and the pump on the frame rail. Mount the tank above the
pump so that gravity will feed the pump (this will help eliminate "air-
locking" of the pump). If the tank will be mounted in the bed, mount it on
the same side as the intake manifold (Cummins- Driver’s side, Duramax-
Passenger’s side). This will make it easier to route the 3/8” plastic line.