The ATMOS S 351 or its variant begin to create vacuum
(Phase 1, as shown). Then there is a waiting time (Phase
2, ”wait”).
Fig. 5. Tightness test - Test
The test result is shown with a box. Then start a new test
run with the ”Max” key or end the function with the ”Stand-
by” key, ”Extraction cup” key with ATMOS S 351 Natal.
The example shows a tight system.
Fig. 6. Tightness test - Result
System is leaking
System is tight
d) Test Hardware
This function serves for the targeted testing of individual
components. Chose the function to control the valves, fan
or pump directly:
• Fan on/off with the "intermittent" key for the ATMOS
S 351, with the "extraction cup" key for the ATMOS
S 351 Nata;
• Exhaust valve on/off with the "arrow left" key
(valves – exhaust)
• Starting valve on/off with the "arrow right" key
(valves – starting)
• Pump on/off with the "max" key (pump)
Fig. 7. Test hardware
3.0 Unit function and unit construction