STK512 User Guide
Section 4
Troubleshooting Guide
Table 4-1. Troubleshooting Solutions
LED on Receiver
Application Board
not active
Power is not applied or is less than 5V
Verify that 5V is supplied to the Receiver Application
Board via on-board pins or through the STK512 Interface
Board connection to the STK 500 (VTG jumper).
DATA Selector switch was not set to the STK511
position when power was applied
Set DATA Selector switch to STK511 and re-apply 5V
Receiver in permanent sleep mode because Sleep
mode of all 1s selected in OPMODE register
Select different polling rate and re-program OPMODE
Receiver Application Board rotated 180° when mounted
on the STK512 Interface Board
Verify that Receiver Application Board signal test points
are placed toward the DIP switches.
LED(s) on STK512
Interface Board not
Power not applied
Verify that Power is supplied to the STK512 Interface
Board through either the Receiver Application Board or
the STK500 Board (VTG jumper).
Corresponding DIP Switch bit(s) not set
Set the corresponding bit(s) to ON on the DIP Switch for
that register.
Bias resistor(s) damaged
Replace the corresponding bias resistor(s) on the back of
the STK512 Interface Board with 1 k
Incorrect firmware loaded into the STK512 Interface
Board where I/O port of the onboard microcontroller
programmed to logic high
Reload the STK512 Interface Board Firmware as
described in Section 2.2.
Registers in the
receiver do not
appear to be
Power supplied is too low
Verify that the power being supplied is 5V
DATA Selector switch was not set to the STK511
position when Configure button pressed
Set DATA Selector switch to STK512 and re-press button
STK512 Interface Board firmware has become
Reload the STK512 Interface Board Firmware as
described in Section 2.2.
Registers may be programming correctly with no visible
signs of change Some external source may be holding
the Data line low
Monitor the Data Test point with an oscilloscope to check
for presence of the acknowledge bit.
Receiver Application Board rotated 180° when mounted
on the STK512 Interface Board
Verify that Receiver Application Board signal test points
are toward the DIP switches.