Getting Started
STK512 User Guide
Step B: Assemble and Attach the STK512 Interface Board
The STK512 Interface Board must be assembled and mounted on the STK500 Board. The completed
assembly is shown in
Figure 2-3.
Assembled STK512 Interface Board
Orient the STK500 as shown in the
Caution: After the next step, whenever the interface board is removed from the STK500 sockets, use
caution if a tool is used for leverage. It is easy to bend pins or otherwise damage the STK500 and/or the
interface board. Use a rocking motion while steadily pulling (not prying) it straight from the sockets.
Insert the STK512 Interface Board into the EXPANDx sockets, oriented with the LEDs and red DIP
switches to the left-hand side. To verify the orientation, check that the EXPAND0 pins on the Inter-
face Board plug into the EXPAND0 socket on the STK500 Board. Press firmly so that the board pins
seat well.
Install jumpers on all five pairs of pins (JP2, next to the “configure” button) as shown in