Ballast Demonstrator User Guide
Section 3
Ballast Description
Circuit Topology
• Line conditioning with input filter and varistor for noise suppression and protection.
• Low Voltage supply
• PFC / boost regulator
• PFC magnetics
• Lamp drive
• Microprocessor control
• Charge pump regulator
• ½ bridge driver
• ½ bridge power MOSFET stage for up to 2 lamps
Line Conditioning
An input filter section consisting of C1, C3, and common mode choke L1 prevent switch-
ing signal frequencies and their harmonics from the PFC boost converter from being
conducted to the mains. Varistor RV1 protects the ballast circuit from line voltage tran-
sients. Full wave bridge rectifier BR1 converts the line AC to a DC haversine. Diode D2
is used to provide a point ahead of the boost inductor and filter where the haversine sig-
nal can be sensed by the microcontroller. This is necessary for the proper timing of the
PFC control drive signal which must maintain a constant ON time pulse width over a
haversine period.
Low Voltage Supply
3.3V microcontroller power and ~ 15V FET drive power are provided by the low voltage
supply consisting of a current source (Q1) and multipurpose IC U1 (IXI589). Internal to
U1 are a 3.3V linear regulator, a 15V (nominal) two point regulator, under-voltage lock-
out comparators and control, charge pump switching circuitry, and a FET driver. (See
more detailed description of the IXI859 below) For startup, the current source formed by
Q1, and its associated components sources current into C6 until the voltage at U1 pin 1
reaches the under-voltage lockout upper limit of approximately 14.1V. The current
source voltage output is limited by zener diode D3 to about 16 V. When the under-volt-
age lockout limit is reached, the IXI859 begins to supply 3.3V to the microcontroller. The
microcontroller then begins to supply drive pulses to the PFC FET Q3 through the
IXI859 FET gate driver. The charge pump regulator circuit is then able to supply 15V
power by efficiently converting energy from the PFC switching circuit. This feature is not
used in the non-dimmable demonstrator design. Rather, a voltage doubler circuit con-
sisting of D4, D20 and C31 connected to the PFC transformer secondary provides 15V
power after startup.