Toll free: 1-877-536-3976
Local: 1-408-962-0515
For the best performance ensure the most current firmware is being used. Atlona frequently
updates firmware to add features, improve compatibility, and fix bugs. If any issues are experienced
with the switcher, check to make sure the most current firmware is installed.
Download the latest firmware from http://www.atlona.com/AT-UHD-SW-5000ED to a specific
place on the computer, unzip the firmware file, then update the unit using the browse and upload
Click the browse button and select the firmware to be loaded from the PC. Once selected, press
the upload button. The progress bar displays the progress of the firmware update.
The Valens
port has a separate firmware. This firmware can be found at http://www.
Click the browse button and select the Valens
file that was downloaded. Once selected,
press the upload button, the progress bar displays the progress of the firmware update.