Machine Composition
Atlas Cyclops
Machine Com posit ion
Atlas Cyclops Overview
Pr in t e r Ce n t r a l
Com pa r t m e n t
Results are printed
with an inkjet color
printer. Printer use and
maintenance instructions
can be found on the
manual coming with the
printer itself. Comply
with these instructions.
M a n a gin g PC Uppe r
Com pa r t m e n t
PC Ke ypa d
Machine features a 102-
key, PC-type command
keyboard. Function keys
allow using almost all
machine functions. Vehicle
general data, customer
data, and vehicle database
customization can also be
entered via PC keyboard.
M e a su r e m e n t Ca bin
A measurement cabin is used for all measurement
operations. This cabin also features the electronic
components necessary for the processing and
management of the measurements made by the 3D
cameras. Power supply: 220 / 240 Vac single phase
50/60Hz; Maximum absorbed power: 500w
Su ppor t s
Four supports for housing
the clamps with target
Sh ock H a z a r d
Pow e r Sock e t
M a ch in e
M a st e r
Sw it ch
Ba t t e r y
Re ch a r ge
Su ppor t
M on it or
All models feature high-
nition, color monitor 22’’
16/9. Use and maintenance
instructions can be found on
the manual coming with the
monitor itself. Comply with
these instructions.