Vehicle Diagnosis And Adjustment
Atlas Cyclops
Detector Keypad
Pc Keypad
It goes back to “vehicle data
entry” phase of Figure 44
It allows selecting a printer
different from the pre-set one
It sends print report to printer
It allows de
ning colors on the
printout of out-of-tolerance
data (Red to highlight them or
Black NOT to highlight them)
A report on the performed test is printed with customer data, vehicle data before
and after adjustment, vehicle technical speci
cations supplied by manufacturer,
and any other remarks for the customer.
To access the data contained inside customer database, press F3
from the
start page (see Figure 19)
Legend of the printout example shown in Figure 46.
1 -
Logo of the manufacturer
2 -
Workshop data customization
3 -
Test date and time
4 -
Vehicle being tested and vehicle owner data
5 -
Front axle data table
6 -
Rear axle data table
7 -
Vehicle being tested manufacturing data
8 -
Vehicle being tested diagnosis data
9 -
Vehicle being tested data after adjustment