2 .9 .2 Connection to the domestic circuit
Place a safety group with a valve calibrated to 7 bar
on the cold water inlet, and connect an evacuation pipe
leading to the drain. Operate the safety unit according
to manufacturer's specifications. Connect the safety
valve evacuation to the drain
To allow the tank to be emptied by siphoning, the safety
unit must be placed at a lower level than the cold water
It is recommended that the hot water outlet is fitted
witha thermostatic mixing valve.
2 .9 .3 Rinsing the installation
Before connecting the hydraulic module to the
installation, rinse the heating system correctly to
eliminate the particles that could compromise the
correct operation of the appliance
Do not use solvents or aromatic hydrocarbons (petrol,
oil, etc.).
For older installations, fit a decanting pot of adequate
capacity on the boiler return circuit and at the lowest
point equipped with a drain, in order to collect and
evacuate the impurities.
Add to the water an alkaline product and a dispersant.
Rinse the installation several times before final filling.
2 .9 .4 Filling and draining the installation
Imperative! Fill and pressurise the domestic
tank before filling the heater with water.
The warranty of the appliance will not apply if
this procedure is not respected .
Check the attachment of the pipes, that the connectors
are tight and that the hydraulic module is stable.
Check the direction of circulation of the water and that
all of the valves are open.
Disconnect the non return valves (
Fill the installation.
During filling, do not operate the circulator, open all
drains on the installation and the Hydraulic module
) to evacuate the air in the pipes.
Close the drains and add water until the pressure of
the hydraulic circuit reaches 1 bar.
Check that the hydraulic circuit is drained correctly.
Close the non-return valves.
Check that there are no leaks and that the circulating
pumps are not seized (if need be, release them).
After step §
, once the machine
is running, drain the Hydraulic module again
(2 litres of water). If the pressure is below 0,5 bar,
the PAC stops and displays error 369.
Precise filling pressure is determined by the
manometric height of the installation .
figure 26 - Non return valve
Valve closed
(normal operating
Valve closed
(filling or drain
position )
figure 27 - Drains (P) and non return valves (CAR)
figure 28 - Freeing the circulation pump
figure 29 - recommended speed
for the radiator circuit
hybrid duo 11
hybrid duo
hybrid duo 16
hybrid duo 11
hybrid duo
hybrid duo 16
Installation and operating manual
1605 - EN
- 25 -
alfea hybrid duo heat pump oil low NOx CH