Manual, Compliant Reciprocating Tool, CRT Series
Document #9610-50-1028-04
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • www.ati‑ia.com
4.3 Reciprocating Tool Working Environment
As described in previous sections, the CRT should only be used in conjunction with a robot in a secured
work cell/chamber.
The work cell must be secured by barriers to prohibit personnel from entering the cell. A lockable
door should be included as a part of the barrier in order to facilitate access to the cell for authorized
personnel only. The barrier could consist partly or fully of Plexiglas to facilitate observation of the
reciprocating operations.
During system or reciprocating tool maintenance, make sure the CRT and robot are stopped before entering
the robot cell. When installing and testing, never be present in the cell when the CRT is running.
Be aware of rotating parts. Use eye‑protection while working around the CRT.
Be aware of high sound levels. While the CRT air motor is not loud, the cutting action associated with
reciprocating frequently is loud. Always use hearing protection while working in the proximity of the
material removal cell.
The CRT should not be used to remove materials that are prone to fracture. A fracturing work piece may
result in pieces of material damaging surrounding working environment and personnel. Material removed
correctly should be in the form of chips.
4.4 File Operation and File Selection
A family of files is available for working with die cast alloys, aluminum, and plastics; these files have fewer
teeth and increased relief to minimize chip loading.
Plastics represent a difficult deburring challenge due to the phenomenon of chip re‑welding. In this process,
if the file is dull or the settings are not correct for the material, chips will melt and weld to the file or work
piece. This can quickly load a file and produce unacceptable results.
ATI can provide guidance in bur selection; however, only experimentation will yield desired result. The
following table includes files recommended for particular applications.
Table 4.1—File Selection
3710-50-1459, File, Rectangular
For steels, plastics, soft metals, wood
General purpose work, accessing deep
3710-50-1460, File, Round
For steels, plastics, soft metals, wood
Complex geometries, opening holes or
slots, accessing deep cavities
3710-50-1461, File, Half Round
For steels, plastics, soft metals, wood
For use on flat, concave or convex
surfaces. Great for cylindrical surfaces
3710-50-1462, File, Triangular
For steels, plastics, soft metals, wood
For acute internal angles or to clear out
square corners