User Manual
SS Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. Proprietary Confidential
The MAC filter is a powerful security feature that allows you to specify which computers
are allowed on the network. Any computer attempting to access the network that is not
specified in the filter list will be denied access. When you enable this feature, you must
enter the MAC address of each client (computer) on your network to allow network access
to each.
If you want to use this function, you should
“Enable” IP/Port Blocking Service first.
To modify the service list (i.e. to add, change address or remove clients) simply enter the
correct value and click “Apply”.
A static IP address connection type is less common than other connection types. If your
ISP uses static IP addressing, you will need your Destination, Subnet Mask, and ISP
Gateway Address. This information is available from your ISP or on the paperwork that
your ISP left with you. Type in your information, and click “Apply”.
Provided by your ISP. Enter your destination here.
Subnet Mask:
Provided by your ISP. Enter your subnet mask here.
Provided by your ISP. Enter the ISP gateway address here.