DSP Components
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Flash Zone Visible: Enable this option to request the EVAC LED of the selected zones on IDA8C to
flash for evacuation warning purpose. For example: When there's a fire emergency and the E4
evac input channel is triggered, the EVAC LED of Z3 and Z5 will flash on the IDA8 front panel, and
the EVAC LED of Z4 will light up constantly.
Audio Input
Allow to control and monitor the parameters of analog input signal.
Control Window
Element Description
Bypass/Mute: Disable/mute the audio channel.
Sensitivity: Set the input gain of the channel to the preamplifier.
Phantom Power: Apply 48 VDC phantom power to the channel
input for use with condenser mics.
RTO: An input channel 'Routed To Output(s)'.
Overload: Light up if the signal of an input channel is bigger than
Overload Thd.
Volume: The VU-Meter shows the channel of RMS level.
Signal: Light up if the audio signal presents above -30 dB from the
chosen 'Sensitivity'.
Level: The signal output level of channel.
Overload Thd.: A threshold value to determine the signal of
channel is overloaded or not.