Speed Alerts
To be notified that your child is in a vehicle that is exceeding your selected maximum speed
threshold, simply set a Speed Alert. During the interval in which the Product pings the satellites,
the speed is recorded. If the speed exceeds the threshold you set, an Alert will be sent to each of
the designated Users. Each time the Product drops below the threshold speed and then exceeds
the threshold speed, a new Alert will be sent. Please note that the Product is checking speed
approximately every 5 minutes and may not recognize each time the speed parameter is
exceeded. So, for example, if your speed Alert is set at 45 mph, and the Product has just
reported with a speed that is below 45mph, and the vehicle driver then exceeds the speed limit
for 2 minutes, but returns to driving at speeds below 45mph before the end of the 5-minute
reporting period, no Speed Alert will be delivered.
To set a Speed Alert, log in to the Tracking Portal, select Alerts from the main menu, and then
click on the Speed sub-tab. Select the desired alerting speed in the drop down menu.
Check the “Current Status” notice in the top right-hand corner of your screen and confirm that the
“Current Status” is “ON”, and the menu tab labeled “Speed” is displaying a green circle icon with
a plus sign in the middle. To deactivate Speed Alerts to all Users, click the STOP button.
REMEMBER, if you press the STOP button, no Speed Alerts will be sent to any of your
designated Users
, the “Current Status” notice will indicate “OFF”, and the menu tab labeled
“Speed” will be displaying a red circle icon with a minus sign in the middle.
Your preferences for MPH or KPH are determined under the Settings Tab.
When the Product reports that the defined speed has been exceeded, a Speed Alert will be sent
via Email to each designated User. In order for the Speed Alert to be triggered a second time, the
Product has to drop below the designated speed threshold and then exceed the threshold again.